Tina Turner: legendary rock’n’roll singer dies aged 83

Turner who initially found fame in a turbulent musical partnership, became one of the biggest acts in the world as a solo artist and one of the defining pop icons of the 1980s

Tina Turner, the pioneering rock’n’roll star who became a pop behemoth in the 1980s, has died aged 83 after a long illness.

She had suffered ill health in recent years, being diagnosed with intestinal cancer in 2016 and having a kidney transplant in 2017.

Turner affirmed and amplified Black women’s formative stake in rock’n’roll, defining that era of music to the extent that Mick Jagger admitted to taking inspiration from her high-kicking, energetic live performances for his stage persona. After two decades of working with her abusive husband, Ike Turner, she struck out alone and – after a few false starts – became one of the defining pop icons of the 1980s with the album Private Dancer. Her life was chronicled in three memoirs, a biopic, a jukebox musical, and in 2021, the acclaimed documentary film, Tina.

In a statement on Wednesday night, her publicist Bernard Doherty said: “Tina Turner, the ‘Queen of Rock’n Roll’ has died peacefully today at the age of 83 after a long illness in her home in Kusnacht near Zurich, Switzerland. With her, the world loses a music legend and a role model.”

In 2018, scholar Daphne A Brooks wrote for the Guardian: “Turner’s musical character has always been a charged combination of mystery as well as light, melancholy mixed with a ferocious vitality that often flirted with danger.”

Turner was born Anna Mae Bullock on 26 November 1939 and raised in Nutbush, Tennessee, where she recalled picking cotton with her family as a child. She sang in the tiny town’s church choir, and as a teenager talked – or rather, sang – her way into Ike’s band in St Louis: he had declined her request to join until he heard her seize the microphone during a Kings of Rhythm performance for a rendition of BB King’s You Know I Love You.

After her vocal talents became apparent, Ike gave her the name Tina Turner – and trademarked it in case she left him and he wanted to replace her in his act. He quickly became abusive: when Turner tried to leave the group early on after having got a sense of his mercurial character, he hit her with a wooden shoe stretcher.

“My relationship with Ike was doomed the day he figured out I was going to be his moneymaker,” Turner wrote in her 2018 biography My Love Story. “He needed to control me, economically and psychologically, so I could never leave him.”

She made her recorded debut under the name with the Ike and Tina Turner single A Fool in Love in July 1960, which broke the US Top 30 and started a run of respectable chart success. But it was their live performances that made them a sensation. Ike toured the Ike and Tina Turner Revue aggressively on the Chitlin’ Circuit – including in front of desegregated audiences, such was their commercial power. In 1964, they signed to Warner Bros imprint Loma Records, which released their first album to chart: Live! The Ike & Tina Turner Show.

In the second half of the 60s, the duo were courted by many of rock’s biggest names. Phil Spector produced the 1966 single River Deep – Mountain High; they supported the Rolling Stones in the UK and later the US, and stars including David Bowie, Sly Stone, Cher, Elvis Presley and Elton John came to their Las Vegas residency.

They were a chart-making, Grammy-winning force in the 1970s – a run that came to an end when Turner left Ike, who had been consistently violent and unfaithful, in 1976. Her last single with the group was Baby, Get It On, from the 1975 film adaptation of the Who’s rock opera Tommy, in which she starred as Acid Queen, a character of the same name of her second solo album.

In the divorce, finalised in 1978, Turner came away with just two cars and the rights to her stage name. “Ike fought a little bit because he knew what I would do with it,” she said in the documentary Tina.

Turner, who had already released two solo records continued pursuing a solo career, though it would take until she released her fifth album, 1984’s Private Dancer, for her to supplant the old image of the shimmying rock’n’roller – and escape premature relegation to the oldies circuit – with one of a powerful, mullet-sporting, leather-clad pop icon.

In the documentary Tina, she described Private Dancer as her debut. “I don’t consider it a comeback,” she said. “Tina had never arrived.”

Turner credited Buddhism and particularly the practice of chanting with positively affecting her life in the 1980s. Outside music, she starred in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome opposite Mel Gibson in 1985. She published her first memoir, the global bestseller I, Tina, in 1986, which was later adapted in to the 1993 film What’s Love Got to Do With It? starring Angela Bassett as Turner. In 1995, she sang the theme tune to the James Bond film GoldenEye.

Turner announced her retirement in 2000, a year after releasing her final solo album, Twenty Four Seven, though she would return to the stage in 2008, performing at the Grammy awards with Beyoncé, and for a final tour to mark 50 years of her career.

That was conclusively the end. “I was just tired of singing and making everybody happy,” she told the New York Times in 2019. “That’s all I’d ever done in my life.”

Turner collaborated on the musical Tina with Phyllida Lloyd, which premiered in 2018 and won Laurence Olivier and Tony awards for its respective West End and Broadway runs. “This musical is not about my stardom,” Turner said of the production. “It is about the journey I took to get there. Each night I want audiences to take away from the theatre that you can turn poison into medicine.”

Turner often said she did not relate to the “invincible” persona that others put on her. “I don’t necessarily want to be a ‘strong’ person,” she told the New York Times. “I had a terrible life. I just kept going. You just keep going, and you hope that something will come.”

In 2020, a remix of her 1984 hit What’s Love Got to Do With It? by the Norwegian producer Kygo made Turner the first artist to have a UK Top 40 hit in seven consecutive decades. In 2021, she was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a solo artist, 30 years after Ike and Tina Turner’s induction.

Turner is survived by her second husband, German music executive Erwin Bach. They married in July 2013 after 27 years together and lived in Switzerland. In 2013, Turner renounced her US citizenship to become a Swiss citizen.

Her first child, Craig Raymond Turner, died in July 2018. Last year, Turner said that following her other son Ronnie’s death at the age of 62 that he “left the world far too early”. She is survived by two of Ike Turner’s sons, Ike Turner Jr and Michael Turner, whom she adopted.

In 2020, Turner told the Guardian that despite having some serious health problems, the last 10 years of her life had embodied her ideal vision of happiness.

True and lasting happiness comes from having an unshakeable, hopeful spirit that can shine, no matter what,” she said. “That’s what I’ve achieved, and it is my greatest wish to help others become truly happy as well.”

Kjo është arsyeja pse ju duhet të ndaloni së bëri atë që po bëni, tani!

Në zgjedhjet e 14.05.2023, pjesëmarrja në nivel vendi ishte 37,79% e një popullsie prej 2,812 milionë banorësh.

Me heqjen e personave nën moshën e votimit, shumica e kësaj shoqërie janë mbi 18 vjeç për të votuar, por vetëm 37.79% e tyre kanë vendosur të votojnë dhe të jenë zgjedhës i përfaqësuesit të tyre në këto zgjedhje vendore.

E vërteta është se nëse bëjmë një matematikë të thjeshtë, këta 37.79% të pjesëmarrësve janë vërtet për të ardhur keq, sepse shumica e tyre mbajnë një karrige partie ose më shumë se një dhe pjesa tjetër janë të moshuar që manipulohen me pak para.

Ndërsa rinia shqiptare jeton në iluzionin e emigrimit dhe një të ardhmeje më të mirë gjatë gjithë kohës që ka mundësinë të tregojë se ky vend mund të ndryshojë si politikisht ashtu edhe ekonomikisht ata nuk eksekutojnë të drejtën e tyre kushtetuese…

Në vendin e shqiponjave ka vetëm shqiponja thuhet…Por historia e 33 vjetve të fundit tregon se jetojnë vetëm sorra, sorra që ulen në heshtje dhe presin që gjahu i tyre të jetë shumë i dobët për t’u sulmuar ose i vdekur e të ushqehen me mbetjet e viktimës.

Në Shqipërinë tonë nuk ka arsim që i drejti të ecë përpara dhe të krijojë një të ardhme për veten dhe familjen e tij, në këtë vendin tonë të vogël ai që vjedh më shumë, gënjen më shumë, mashtron më shumë merr shpërblime nga shoqëria që e thërret: zonjë grua ose burri i zotit.

Në Shqipëri populli është aq i paarsimuar sa i ngrejnë përmendore të pamoralëve, hajdutëve dhe të korruptuarve dhe i lavdërojnë.

Kjo injorancë që kanë këta të rinj dhe pjesa tjetër e shoqërisë i bën njerëzit të mos kuptojnë se këto fonde publike, këta tendera të vjedhur e të tjera janë para që këta pushtetarë ju vjedhin çdo ditë nga xhepi i tyre.

Meqenëse në Shqipëri injoranca është aq e madhe sa të gjithë janë dorëzuar dhe thonë le të bëjnë çfarë të duan, një popull i nënshtruar i gatshëm të përshtatet me autoritetin apo vullnetin e të tjerëve pa kundërshtuar dhe revoltuar.

Ndaj në këtë festë të 33-vjetorit të demokracisë asgjë nuk ka ndryshuar realisht në Shqipëri.

Nga Sali Berisha te Fatos Nano, nga Ilir Meta te Edi Rama dhe lista vazhdon, shqiptarët dhunohen, poshtërohen në punë, në shkollë, në përditshmëri, mezi ia dalin të arrijnë fundin e muajit, vdesin në shtretër spitali, të braktisur në rrugë e shum

Nga Sali Berisha te Fatos Nano, nga Ilir Meta te Edi Rama dhe lista vazhdon, shqiptarët dhunohen, poshtërohen në punë, në shkollë, në përditshmëri, mezi ia dalin të arrijnë fundin e muajit, vdesin në shtretër spitali, të braktisur në rrugë e shumë, e shumë raste të tjera që duhet ti kishin bërë të ngriheshin zgukthi ne protest, por ende ky populli rri i nënshtruar.

I nënshtruar kundrejt abuzuesit të tij, një popull zvarritës që të gjithë në botë tallen e nuk pranojnë hyrjen tonë në klubin e tyre pasi te dështuarit nuk i do askush.

Jemi afërsisht 20 milionë shqiptarë anembanë botës, ndoshta nga të vetmit popuj që emigrojnë pa rresht, sepse në vendin tonë jemi aq të nënshtruar sa nuk kemi guxim të kërkojmë të drejtat tona.

Duke qenë se në ditët si data 14.05.2023 kur kanë të drejtë vote, preferojnë të ulen në divane, kafene dhe vende të tjera si këto.

Duke e lënë fatin e tyre në duart e disa pleqve që nuk dinë gjë tjetër veçse të votojnë në drejtim të së shkuarës edhe pse slogani është Kurrë Kthim Mbrapa.

Pjesa tjetër që voton është karikatura e partisë, simpatizantë të pashkolluar që duartrokasin sipas kreut të partisë, qoftë parti e madhe apo e vogël.

Dhe të gjithë këta së bashku ju heqin të drejtat fëmijëve, ju marrin frymën, i bëjnë ata të largohen nga ky vend dhe të vdesin në emigracion dhe pastaj të luajnë rolin e viktimës.
Jemi vetëm femijët ne emigracion e shumë fjalë të tjera si keto… ju jeni arsyeja kryesore që rinia jone ikën dhe ju 62.21% qe preferoni te rrini në kolltuk e në kafe ju luftëtarë të lirisë të kafenevë, pubeve, luleshteve në qytet, ju jeni populli më injorant, më analfabetët që ka nxjerrë ky vend.

Ju i keni duart me gjak, gjakë të pafajshmi që nga 1991 deri më sot.

Ti je turp i këtij kombi.
Këtë shtet nuk e bëjnë shqiptarët, letra që përdorin të gjithë shqiptarët kur gjërat nuk shkojnë si duan, mirë o injorant i dashur, ky je ti një shqiptar injorant që ia lë jetën në dorë disa pleqve dhe simpatizantëve partiak.

Të nderuar lexues, ky ishte mesazhi im për ju, vazhdoni të jeni injorantë se kështu ju do kjo qeveri dhe ajo pasardhësia.

16 Refreshing Italian Cocktails to Sip All Summer Long

These drinks are best served alfresco with water views.

The Italians are experts in many realms: hospitality, cuisine, and wine. But they are also pros at creating refreshing, well-balanced cocktails, as well as some of our favourite ingredients that make them so special. Montenegro Amaro, Aperol, Campari, prosecco, and limoncello are just a few of the Italian essentials that have become mainstays on our own bar carts. From bitter and bubbly Negronis to sugary sweet Bellinis, some of the world’s most beloved cocktails were born in this beautiful country. From cult classics to soon-to-be modern favorites, here are 15 of our favorite Italian cocktails to sip on year-round. Saluti!

Aperol Spritz

This wildly popular drink can be pretty divisive, as most imbibers either love it or love to hate it. It’s a bittersweet, bubbly beverage that is low in alcohol and high in enlivening a summer afternoon.


Ice cubes
Club soda, served from syphon or chilled bottle
Orange slice, for garnish


In a glass full of ice, combine prosecco and Aperol in equal parts. Add a splash of club soda and garnish with an orange slice.

Black Italian

This dreamy after-dinner cocktail utilizes a lesser-known amaro called Super Punch that’s produced in the Abruzzo region of Italy. It’s the perfect end to an Italian dinner party in lieu of dessert.


2 ounces Super Punch
1 ounce fresh cream
1/2 ounce pistachio cream liqueur
Chopped pistachios, for garnish


Pour Super Punch into an old-fashioned glass filled with ice. Float fresh cream and pistachio liqueur on top, stirring slowly. Top with chopped pistachios.

Fiero & Tonic

While not quite as popular as Aperol or Campari, this low-ABV Italian spirit is growing in popularity thanks to its bold, citrusy flavor with hints of botanical bitterness. A great way to try out the liquor is by pairing it with tonic for a simple yet refreshing cocktail.


1 part Martini & Rossi Fiero

1 part tonic water

Orange wheel, for garnish


Pack a balloon glass with ice and pour in an equal portion of Martini & Rossi Fiero and tonic water. Stir gently and garnish with an orange wheel.

Amaro Sour

This simple yet satisfying beverage is easily customizable for any palate. Adding an egg white to the shaker will give the drink its signature frothy topping.


1 1/2 ounces Amaro Nardini

1 ounce fresh lemon juice

1/2 ounce simple syrup

1 cherry, for garnish


Combine first 3 ingredients in an iced-filled shaker. Shake well and pour into cocktail glass. Garnish with a cocktail cherry.

1919 Cocktail

This refreshing libation comes from Barbuto, the iconic West Village restaurant. The 1919 Cocktail was the first drink bartender Tyan Cray put on the menu in 2004, and it has remained a mainstay ever since.


1 1/2 ounces Cappelletti Aperitivo wine

2 ounces fresh grapefruit juice

4 to 5 ounces dry prosecco

Grapefruit peel, for garnish


In a large wineglass filled with ice, mix the Cappelletti, grapefruit juice, and prosecco. Stir and express one large grapefruit peel over the glass. Garnish with the peel.

Ava Gardner

This delicate and feminine cocktail was created by Splendido Mare, a Belmond Hotel to honor Ava Gardner, who notoriously adored Champagne and all-things pink. Gardner stayed at the hotel while filming the 1954 film Barefoot Contessa with Humphrey Bogart.


25 mL London dry gin

20 mL raspberry liquor

15 mL orange curaçao

15 mL fresh lemon juice

5 mL simple syrup

Dry sparkling wine


Add first 5 ingredients to a cocktail shaker with ice, shake well, and top with sparkling wine.


italian cocktails

The Negroni is one of the world’s great cocktails, and we tapped Sant Ambroeus, one of our favorite Italian destinations when in New York, Southampton, or Palm Beach, for directions on how to make a perfect one.


1 ounce Campari

1 ounce gin

1 ounce semisweet red vermouth

Orange peel, for garnish


Stir together all ingredients with bar spoon in a cocktail shaker and strain the liquid into a rocks glass. Garnish with orange peel.

Italian Fizz

Served at Rome’s iconic Hotel Hassler, this is a truly Italian cocktail in both color and ingredients. Campari, soda, and lime represent the colors of the Italian flag.


Ice cubes

1 ⅓ ounces bitter Campari

2 ounces soda water

⅓ ounces sugar cane syrup

⅓ ounces fresh lime juice

Lime wedges and pink peppercorns, for garnish


Combine first 5 ingredients in a cocktail shaker, shake, and pour into a tall cocktail glass. Garnish with lime wedges and pink peppercorns.

Italian 75

italian cocktails

We’re loving this Italian take on one of our editors’ favorite cocktails. Plus, Italian-made Portofino dry gin makes a stylish addition to your bar cart.


1 ounce Portofino dry gin

1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice

1/2 ounce simple syrup



Add the first 3 ingredients to a cocktail shaker, fill with ice, and shake. Strain into a flute or saucer and top with prosecco.

Duke and Duchess of Windsor

Diana, Princess of Wales, was said to have a penchant for bellinis, and Lido Restaurant & Champagne Bar at Four Seasons Hotel at the Surf Club in Miami pays homage to the beloved icon with this modernized take on the beverage.


1 ounce fresh peach purée (about 1 peach, freshly blended)

2 dashes grapefruit bitters

4 ounces prosecco

2 ounces elderflower foam


To make the foam: In an ISI cream siphon, add 3 1/4 ounces lemon juice, 17 ounces Saint Germain, 13 1/2 ounces water and 5 gelatin sheets. Mix everything together until the gelatin sheets are dissolved. Add 2 ISI cream chargers and then dispense foam when ready.

To make the cocktail: Mix the peach, grapefruit bitters, and prosecco in a cocktail shaker and stir gently and slowly, then pour into a coupe glass and finish with elderflower foam.


Though this is an Italian classic, the Sanguinello is named after a sensational Spanish orange variety. This beverage is a great choice in early spring when you can find fresh blood oranges in season, but it’s also excellent for summer where a bottled juice will do.


1 ounce Pallini limoncello

1 ounce Campari

1 ounce blood orange juice

Ice cubes

Orange peel, for garnish


Shake first 4 ingredients and strain over fresh ice. Garnish with an orange peel.

Paolo’s Boutique

This beautiful libation was created by the bar team behind Via Mare at the Roman & Williams–designed Greydon House in Nantucket. It’s the perfect drink to sip on a sunny patio in one of our favorite destinations.


1.5 ounces Cocchi Americano Rosa

1 oz Braulio Alpine amaro

1 dash Bitterman’s Burlesque Bitters


Orange twist, for garnish


Combine first 3 ingredients in a highball or wine glass with ice and stir to chill. Top with prosecco and garnish with orange twist.

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Pasquale’s Punch

The addition of amaro brings an Italian twist to this rum punch created by Camille Wilson of the Cocktail Snob. It’s the ultimate taste of summer.


1 ounce pineapple juice

3/4 ounce cinnamon syrup

1/2 ounce lime juice

3/4 ounce amaro

1 1/2 ounce dark rum


Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake until chilled. Pour into a glass. Garnish with a pineapple frond.

Nightmare in Florence

This dramatic cocktail combines a few of our favorite ingredients: Fiero, gin, and cold-brew coffee. What’s not to love?


¾ ounce Martini & Rossi Fiero

¾ ounce Bombay Sapphire gin

¼ ounce Martini & Rossi Bitter liqueur

¾ ounce cold-brew coffee

Orange peel, for garnish


Stir together first 4 ingredients, pour into a coupe glass, and garnish with an orange slice.

Amalfi Mule

If you don’t like to deviate from what you know, this Amalfi Mule recipe adds a delightful twist to the classic Moscow Mule. Limoncello and lemon juice add a zesty, brighter replacement for gin and lime.


2 strawberries

5 basil leaves

2 ounces Pallini limoncello

1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice

4 ounces ginger beer


Muddle 1 strawberry and 4 basil leaves in a mixing glass, then shake together strawberry-basil mixture, limoncello, and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker. Strain over fresh ice into a mule mug, top with ginger beer, and garnish with 1 strawberry and 1 basil leaf.

Princess Diana’s Favorite Bellini

Hotel Hassler has housed some of history’s biggest names, from Picasso to the Kennedys and Justin Timberlake. Princess Diana also stayed at this hotel and confessed to Roberto E. Wirth, the Hassler’s proprietor and executive president, that this was her favorite Bellini of all time.


Peach purée, recipe follows

Pinot Grigio Puillatti

2 raspberries (for purée)



Peel the peaches and keep only the outermost part of the peach, as it’s the sweetest part. Place the peach slices in a large stainless steel bowl with Pinot Grigio Puillatti and let them infuse for 3 days. Add two raspberries to the bowl as well, as this will absorb the acidity.

After 3 days, remove the peaches and place them in an earthenware bowl and refrigerate for a few hours to chill. Remove peaches from the fridge and process in a blender until it becomes purée. Combine 1/4 peach purée and 2/4 Champagne in a flute and serve.

How to Make A Perfect Gin Cocktail—And 13 Recipes to Get You Inspired

This editor-favorite spirit is extremely versatile and the base of some of the world’s best craft cocktails.

While gin is now seen as a sophisticated spirit that beckons to 1920s speakeasies and 20th-century British power players, this iconic beverage has only recently been back in the public’s good graces. Mixologist and Spirited: Cocktails From Around the World author Adrienne Stillman says in the early aughts, cocktail bars had to work hard to make gin drinks appealing, and she’s glad to see the botanical spirit is back in fashion. Acclaimed chef, restauranteur, and founder of Jack Rudy Cocktail Co. Brooks Reitz say he traces the “gin renaissance” to the boom of small-batch bourbon producers in the U.S. that have turned to distill gin to start making profits quickly while waiting for whiskey to age. Today, there are more gin brands than ever before, making it more accessible and worthy of experimentation from the world’s most iconic watering holes.

Of course, classic gin cocktails are a mainstay of our favorite neighborhood spots, from the bittersweet Negroni to the simple-yet-fabulous Gin & Tonic. Both Stillman and Reitz say that the beauty of gin is in its versatility. It pairs best with fresh citrus and floral flavors, but it can work in a more savory beverage or a fruit-forward Tiki drink. However, Stillman says the cocktail you’re making should impact the type of gin you use to mix with.

“A citrusy, less-juniper-forward gin may shine in a French 75, but it may get lost among the strong flavors of a Red Snapper or a Negroni,” she says. “Conversely, a very assertive gin like St. George Spirits Terroir may be overpowering in more delicate drinks. For all-purpose mixing, I tend to keep it classic with something like Bombay Dry.” Reitz has a penchant for making Beefeater his workhorse, as it was his grandmother’s favorite, and he also liked American-made Castle & Feed and Bristowe.

“The other interesting thing about gin is its seasonal versatility,” says Reitz. “In the summertime, we lean on Gin and Tonics or Bees Knees while in the winter, you can sip more robust drinks, like martinis or our Hot Gin and Tonic in a teacup. You really can enjoy gin year-round while most people think of bourbon as a cool-weather drink or tequila in the summer or at the beach.” Here, find recipes and expert tips for creating a perfect gin cocktail at home.


Hotel Barriere Le Majestic’s La Grande Dame

Hotel Barriere Le Majestic is one of Cannes’s most iconic hotels, and this sparkling cocktail features 44 Paradiso Gin which was created specifically for the property. An elevated take on the French 75, luxurious cocktail will transport you to the Côtes d’Azur with the aromas of lemon verbena and notes of French bubbly.


1 ounce 44 Paradiso gin

3 ounces Fouquet’s champagne

dash lemon verbena bitter and its perfume


Add gin and bitters to a shaker with ice and shake until chilled. Strain into a Champagne flute and top with bubbles. Perfume the glass and a ribbon with the Verbena perfume. Tie ribbon around the glass and serve.



“A raspberry-lime buck named for a hit Broadway musical and created for one of the show’s actresses,” writes Stillman in Spirited: Cocktails From Around the World. “A contemporary newspaper article described it as ‘an express transport to Elysium.”


2 parts Hendrick’s Gin

1 part lime juice

1/2 part raspberry syrup

ginger beer, raspberry, and lime wedges, to garnish


Build all ingredients in a highball over ice cubes. Churn, garnish with raspberries, and serve.


Armani / Ristorante 5th Avenue’s Intro to Select Cocktail

Fans of Aperol and Campari will love Select Aperitivo, a Venetian bitter liqueur. Armani / Ristorante 5th Avenue pairs it with gin and lemon for a bold beverage in color and taste.


2 ounces Select Aperitivo

3/4 ounce Plymouth Gin

3/4 ounce Lemon juice

1/4 ounce simple syrup

grapefruit twist, for garnish


Add all ingredients to a shaker, and fill it with ice. Shake, and double-strain into a chilled coupe. Garnish with a grapefruit twist.


Cucumber Lemonade

Consider this cocktail the ultimate summer libation. Hendrick’s cucumber and rose-infused spirit pairs excellently with fresh lemon juice for an upscale (and boozy) take on a glass of lemonade.


1 part Hendrick’s Gin

1 part lemon juice

1 part simple syrup

3 parts soda water

cucumber and lemon slices, for garnish


Combine all ingredients in a highball filled with cubed ice. Lightly stir and serve. Garnish with 3 thinly sliced rounds of cucumber and a lemon wheel.


Ian Palmer’s Last Flight Cocktail

This cocktail pairs with VERANDA’s Sip & Read Book Club pick for October 2020: Charlotte McConaghy’s Migrations. Ian Palmer, VERANDA’s assistant photo editor (and resident cocktail savant) was inspired by both the novel’s arctic setting and the Prohibition-era cocktail, Last Word. Classic cocktail aficionados will love this frothy, sour treat.


  • 1. Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker. Cover and shake without ice for approx. 10 seconds.
  • 2. Fill the shaker with ice; shake for another 10-20 seconds.
  • 3. Strain into a coupe glass, and garnish with bitters.
  • 1 oz. gin
  • 3/4 oz. lemon juice
  • 3/4 oz. Cointreau
  • 1/2 oz. maraschino liqueur
  • 1 tsp. Herbsaint
  • 1 egg white
  • Angostura bitters, for garnish


Lavender Bee’s Knees

This glitzy cocktail was created at the Ritz Hotel in Paris in the 1920s and was likely a favorite of the Jazz Age set. Using honey instead of sugar to sweeten this drink gives it a unique layer of sweetness and complexity for a beverage that is truly “the bee’s knees.” Brooks Reitz shares his take with a touch of lavender.

2 ounces gin

.75 ounces fresh lemon

.75 ounces honey syrup (equal parts honey and hot water)

6 drops Jack Rudy Lavender Bitters


Combine ingredients in shaker tin, add ice and shake; strain into a coupe glass.


Pear Collins

This cocktail is perfect for transitioning from summer to fall, thanks to in-season pears and ginger spiced syrup. You can easily make this a batch cocktail by multiplying the amount of each ingredient by 10.


1.5 ounces Fords Gin

1 ounce lemon juice

1 ounce ginger syrup (recipe follows)

1.5 ounce pear juice

1 ounce sparkling water

pear slice, for garnish


To make the ginger syrup: combine 1 cup sliced ginger root, 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup water in a small saucepan. Bring to boil, then simmer on low for 1 hour and strain.

To make the cocktail: Add all ingredients to a shaker except sparkling water and shake with ice until chilled. Strain over rocks in a Collins glass and top with sparkling water. Garnish with a pear slice.


Ina Garten’s Pomegranate Gimlet

This vibrant and fruity beverage is a favorite of Ina Garten’s and therefore a perfect choice for any occasion you’re hosting. Serve in martini glasses à la The Barefoot Contessa to bring some old-world glamour to the evening.


    1. Step 1Freeze six martini glasses at least one hour before serving.
    2. Step 2To make the simple syrup: Combine sugar and 1 cup water in a small pot, and cook just until the sugar dissolves and the mixture is clear. Refrigerate until cold.
    3. Step 3Combine the gin, pomegranate juice, lime juice, and simple syrup in a large pitcher.
    4. Step 4Fill a cocktail shaker half-full with ice and add the drink mixture until the shaker is three-quarters full. Shake for 15 seconds.
    5. Step 5Pour mixture into the frozen martini glasses, and garnish with pomegranate seeds and lime slices. Repeat steps 4-5 with the remaining drink mixture and serve cold.


  • 1 c. sugar
  • 1 1/2 c. gin, such as Tanqueray
  • 1 c. pomegranate juice, such as POM Wonderful 
  • 1 c. freshly squeezed lime juice (about 6-8 limes)
  • Pomegranate seeds, for garnish
  • 6 lime slices, for garnish


G&T Turbo

Back before Reitz had his own slew of highly acclaimed Charleston restaurants, he helped revamp FIG’s bar menu to match the innovation going on in the kitchen and created some house-made syrups that gained a cult following. Jack Rudy Cocktail Co. sells some of his original tonic syrups that will make for a turbo-charged G&T at home.


2 ounces gin

3/4 ounce Jack Rudy Tonic Syrup

3/4 ounce lime juice

lime wedges, for garnish


In a shaker tin, combine gin, tonic syrup, and lime juice. Add ice, shake, and strain into a coupe glass. Garnish with lime wedge.


Ian Palmer’s Summer 75 Cocktail

Created to pair with VERANDA’s first-ever Sip & Read Book Club pick, Alex George’s The Paris Hours, this cocktail offers a funky twist on a classic cocktail. The addition of St. Germain, Chareau, and grapefruit juice makes a beverage that’s ripe for summer celebrations.


  1. Step 1Combine gin, St. Germain, Chareau, lemon juice, and grapefruit juice in a cocktail shaker.
  2. Step 2 Fill shaker with ice, cover, and shake until surface of the shaker is very cold, approximately 20 seconds. 
  3. Step 3 Strain into a Champagne flute or coupe glass. Top with sparkling wine, and garnish with a lemon twist.


  • 1 1/2 oz. gin
  • 1/2 oz. St. Germain
  • 1/2 oz. Chareau aloe liqueur 
  • 1/2 oz. fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 oz. fresh grapefruit juice
  • 2 oz. dry sparkling wine or Champagne
  • 1 lemon twist, for garnish 


Spring Meets Summer Punch

This lively cocktail plays on gin’s versatility with hints of bitter, sour, and sweet. Multiply the amount of each ingredient by 10 to prep a big batch for your next alfresco dinner party.


1.5 oz Fords Gin

1 dash (or 1/2 barspoon) Absinthe

0.5 ounce fresh lemon juice

0.5 ounce fresh lime juice

1 ounce simple syrup

2 ounces sparkling water

1 dash Angostura bitters

2 cucumber slices

1 lemon and 1 lime wheel (for garnish)


Add all ingredients except sparkling water into shaker and shake until chilled. Strain over ice in rocks glass and top with sparkling water. Garnish with a cucumber slice, lemon and lime wheels.


Ian Palmer’s Mountweazel Martinez Cocktail

VERANDA’s February 2021 Sip & Read Book Club pick was The Liar’s Dictionary by Eley Williams. Palmer’s book-inspired version of this historic drink pairs sweet vermouth with dry to make it a “perfect” spirit-forward cocktail.


  1. Step 1Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass, add ice, and stir until well chilled.
  2. Step 2Strain into a cocktail glass, and garnish with a lemon and orange peel


  • 1 3/4 oz. London dry gin
  • 3/4 oz. sweet vermouth
  • 3/4 oz. dry vermouth
  • 1 tsp. Luxardo maraschino
  • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
  • 1 dash orange bitters
  • Orange and lemon peel, for garnish


Coffee Negroni

Do you love a Negroni as much as we do? Then it’s time to try a little upgrade. The addition of cold brew coffee liqueur makes all the ingredients sing and will have you wondering why you’ve never tried it before.


1 ounce Mr Black Coffee Liquor

1 ounce gin

1 ounce Campari

orange twist, for garnish


Stir first three ingredients together and pour over a rocks glass with ice. Garnish with orange twist.

The ‘Earth Eyes’ Cocktail Proves This is the Year of the Martini

Honeysuckle gin brings a floral note to the classic drink.

Refined. Refreshing. Alluring. All appropriate words with which to describe Amanda Gorman’s debut collection of poetry, Call Us What We Carry. To accompany Gorman’s words, we’ve created an elegant and bright cocktail pairing that should be well suited to her refreshingly hopeful language. The Earth Eyes—named after a poem in Gorman’s collection—is a Martini riff that aims to be simultaneously fresh and timeless. It drinks like a classic, spirit-forward martini while bringing plenty of strong citrus notes and floral sweetness to the palate.


  1. Step 1Combine ingredients in a mixing glass, fill with ice, and stir until well chilled, approx. 30 seconds.
  2. Step 2 Strain into a chilled coupe and garnish with a grapefruit twist.


  • 1 1/2 oz. gin
  • 1 oz. Cathead Honeysuckle Vodka
  • 1/2 oz. Cocchi Americano
  • 1/4 oz. grapefruit liqueur
  • 2 dashes grapefruit bitters
  • Grapefruit twist, for garnish

How to Make a Perfect Tequila Cocktail—Plus 24 Recipes to Inspire You

Just in time for National Tequila Day!

Is it just us, or does warmer weather call for celebrating with a little tequila? The agave-based spirit is best known in America as the base of a salty and sour margarita at your favourite neighbourhood Mexican restaurant, but tequila is made for much more than mixing with Cointreau and lime juice. The bubbly, grapefruit-centric paloma is actually the drink of choice in Mexico, says André Darlington, author of Booze Cruise: A Tour of the World’s Essential Mixed Drinks. He also often sees tequila mixed with fresh orange juice in Mexico’s cultural and culinary hub of Oaxaca but notes that people both in Mexico and around the world love tequila and other agave-based spirits, like mezcal, for their versatility.

“They mix well with almost anything—particularly mezcal—but agave spirits do have some favorite flavor partners,” says Robert Simonson, author of Mezcal and Tequila Cocktails: Mixed Drinks for the Golden Age of Agave. “Among the things that go best with tequila in a mixing glass are sherry, pineapple, lime, jalapeño, grapefruit, ginger, and pear.”

Both authors agree that building the perfect tequila cocktail starts with tequila made with 100 percent agave. Darlington says Cimarron is typically the good tequila of choice at your favorite craft cocktail bar and he also loves Corralejo. We’ve included some other delicious options in the recipes that follow. And be sure to note when a recipe calls for blanco (also known as silver), reposado, or añejo to get the flavor profile just right. Simonson also stresses the importance of using freshly squeezed juice if your drink calls for any type.

And for those interested in exploring tequila’s smokier, quirkier cousin, mezcal, Darlington recommends using this increasingly popular spirit as a floater in your favorite tequila-based cocktail or simply reducing the amount of tequila in a recipe and replacing it with some mezcal. He says it will make your drink richer and more complex.

Ready to mix up a delightful tequila cocktail for yourself? Here are 24 of our favorite tequila cocktails from mixologists and tastemakers all across the world.


21 Seeds’ Purple Hibiscus Tea Cocktail

Female-founded 21 Seeds is on a mission to prove tequila can be just as approachable as wine with its stellar fruit-infused beverage. Aromatic notes of jalapeño spice up this tea-based cocktail, while cooling cucumber makes for an ultra-refreshing drinking experience.


  • 1½ ounces 21 Seeds Cucumber Jalapeño
  • 1 ounce hibiscus tea
  • 1 ounce pineapple juice
  • ½ ounce simple syrup (1-to-1 sugar to water)
  • 3 slices jalapeño
  • Fresh mint and candied pineapple, for garnish


  1. Mix ingredients together in a shaker.
  2. Pour over ice and add mint and candied pineapple.


Martha Stewart’s “Martha-Rita”

When the warm weather comes crashing in, there’s nothing queen Martha Stewart loves more than mixing up her signature “Martha-Rita” in a Baccarat goblet. Fresh lime juice and orange liqueur bring the right amount of zing for a simple yet balanced tequila cocktail.


  1. Step 1Juice one lime to make 1 ounce and set aside. From remaining lime, slice a thin wheel for garnish and a wedge for salt rim.
  2. Step 2Run lime wedge around outside of the rim of your Baccarat Martha-rita glass or a chilled rocks glass; dip rim in salt to coat. Partially fill glass with ice (we prefer 1 large sphere for minimal melting and dilution).
  3. Step 3Fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice. Add tequila, orange liqueur, and reserved lime juice. Shake vigorously until outside of shaker is cold and frosty, about 10 seconds; strain into prepared glass. Garnish with lime wheel and serve immediately.


  • 2 limes
  • Pink salt or sea salt, coarsely ground
  • 2 oz. Casa Dragones tequila blanco
  • 1 oz. orange liqueur or triple sec
  • 1 oz. fresh lime juice


Milagro’s Highland Orchard

Aged in American oak barrels for 12–14 months, Milagro’s Añejo tequila gives off an oaky aroma with decadent-tasting notes of butterscotch and agave. Paired with tart apple and sweet-and-sour tamarind, you’re in for a juicy treat.


  • 1½ parts Milagro Añejo
  • ½ part fresh lime juice
  • 1 barspoon tamarind concentrate
  • 2 dashes of Angostura bitters
  • 3 parts Sidral Mundet apple soda
  • 1 thinly sliced red apple, for garnish


  1. Pour all ingredients, except apple soda, into a Boston shaker with ice.
  2. Shake vigorously and strain into a rocks glass with fresh ice.
  3. Top with apple soda.
  4. Garnish with a thinly sliced red apple.


Los Arango’s Amante Picante

Los Arango uses timeless traditions dating back to the Mexican Revolution to craft an elevated tequila from ancient blue Weber agave. The herby and toasty notes of the brand’s Blanco tequila lend themselves nicely to spicier combinations such as this habanero and pineapple drink.


  • 2 ounces Los Arango Blanco tequila
  • ¼ ounce roasted pineapple & habanero agave nectar
  • 4 dashes cilantro tinctures
  • 2 drops saline
  • Rocks ice
  • Tajín rim, pineapple wedge, habanero pepper, or lime oil or lime zest (optional), for garnish


  1. Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker and shake thoroughly.
  2. Rim a rocks glass with Tajín and add fresh ice.
  3. Strain the cocktail into the glass, then top off with a few drops of lime oil or lime zest, a torched pineapple wedge, and a habanero pepper slice.


Ian Palmer’s Diabolos

Inspired by Alex Michaelides’s The Maidens, Ian Palmer, VERANDA’s visual editor and resident mixologist, riffs on the classic El Diablo for a much punchier tequila cocktail. Rich black currant liqueur and spicy chile liqueur cleverly balance the effervescent qualities of ginger beer and citrus.


  1. Step 1Combine all ingredients except ginger beer and lime wheel in a cocktail shaker, add ice, and shake vigorously until well chilled.
  2. Step 2Strain into a collins glass filled with ice, top with ginger beer, and garnish with a lime wheel.
  4. 2 oz. reposado tequila
  5. 1/2 oz. crème de cassis
  6. 1/4 oz. ancho reyes
  7. 1/2 oz. lime juice, freshly squeezed
  8. 1/2 oz. grapefruit juice, freshly squeezed
  9. 3 oz. ginger beer
  10. 1 lime wheel, for garnish


Volcán de mi Tierra’s Devil’s Margarita

Volcán de mi Tierra aims to celebrate its heritage and community while delivering a complex tequila made from blue agave grown in the rich volcanic soils of Mexico’s Jalisco state. The brand’s signature margarita perfectly highlights its Blanco tequila’s citrus and black pepper notes with a fruity twist.


  • 1½ ounces Volcán de mi Tierra Blanco
  • 1 ounce fresh lime juice
  • ⅔ ounce simple syrup
  • ⅔ ounce fruity red wine


  1. Pour tequila, lime juice, and simple syrup into a shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously.
  2. Strain into a glass and slowly pour the red wine into the drink using a barspoon.


Garden Ranch Water

Lutie’s Garden Restaurant at Austin, Texas’s Commodore Perry Estate, Auberge Resorts Collection, has become a local hotspot, thanks to Ken Fulk’s dreamy interiors and the culinary talents of Executive Chef Bradley Nicholson and Executive Pastry Chef Susana Querejazu. The restaurant’s cocktail menu is full of botanical-inspired libations, and the Garden Ranch Water is sure to become a summer favourite.


  • Cilantro salt (see recipe below)
  • 2 ounces coconut water
  • 2 ounces Topo Chico
  • 1½ ounces Lalo tequila
  • ½ ounce lime juice
  • Lime wedge, for garnish


  1. Salt the rim of a collins glass with cilantro salt.
  2. Add all remaining ingredients into the glass over ice and stir.
  3. Garnish with lime wedge.

Cilantro Salt


  • 1 cup kosher salt
  • ¾ cup cilantro leaves


Run salt and cilantro leaves through a food processor until mixture is bright green.


Lightning Storm

Created for VERANDA’s Sip & Read Book Club, the Lightning Storm hits all the sweet notes of a traditional tiki cocktail—but with an unexpected kick. Ancho chile liqueur gives the drink a spicy and earthy finish that keeps drawing you in for another sip.

To accompany the tender love story depicted in Caleb Azumah Nelson’s debut, Open Water, this month’s cocktail is a sweet-then-spicy combination of complex and unexpected flavors that mimic the all-encompassing relationship at the heart of the book.

A riff on the Dead Man’s Handle, the Lightning Storm cocktail is, on its surface, all straightforward-tropical-tiki sweetness. But the addition of ancho chile liqueur adds a hot and earthy finish that sticks around and will draw you right back in for another sip.

As spring starts to transition into summer, this is a refreshing yet bold drink to accompany a bold and dynamic read.


  1. Step 1Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker.
  2. Step 2Fill shaker with ice, cover, and shake until well chilled.
  3. Step 3Strain into a collins glass filled with crushed ice. Garnish with a mint spring. 


  • 1 1/2 oz. tequila
  • 3/4 oz. Ancho Reyes
  • 3/4 oz. Cappelletti
  • 1/2 oz. lime juice
  • 1/2 oz. orgeat
  • Mint spring, for garnish


St. Rita

Bring a little French flair to the classic margarita with St-Germain. The liqueur enhances the lime and tequila with its fruity, floral notes, making this recipe an instant hit.


  • 1½ ounces Blanco tequila
  • 1 ounce St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur
  • ¾ ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
  • Lime wedge, for garnish


  1. Vigorously shake all ingredients with ice until nicely chilled, and pour into an ice-filled rocks glass (salted rim optional).
  2. Garnish with a lime wedge.


The Polo Lounge’s Prickly Paloma

L.A.’s Polo Lounge is an iconic restaurant known for its delicious cocktails and bites. We’re probably all craving the impeccable weather and cuisine of Southern California right now, and what better way to experience them at home than with the Polo Lounge’s signature cocktail?


  • 1 prickly pear
  • 2 ounces Patrón Silver
  • ¾ ounce grapefruit juice
  • ½ part lime juice
  • ½ part agave syrup
  • Fever-Tree pink grapefruit soda
  • Grapefruit slice and pink Himalayan salt, for garnish


  1. Peel, clean, and slice the prickly pear into several pieces, and muddle until achieving a puree consistency.
  2. Measure out ¾ ounce for use.
  3. Add puree and all remaining ingredients, except for the grapefruit soda, to a mixing glass with ice.
  4. Shake and strain over ice in a pink Himalayan salt–rimmed highball.
  5. Top with grapefruit soda, garnish with a crescent moon grapefruit slice, and serve.



Cocina del Mar at Esperanza, Auberge Resorts Collection, in Los Cabos, Mexico, named this incredible cocktail after the legendary Toltec queen. Xóchitl is also the Aztec word for flower. The resort has an agave garden for guests to learn more about mezcal and tequila as well as participate in tastings of local offerings.


  • 400 milliliters (13 ½ ounces) of celery juice
  • 2 ounces blanco tequila
  • 1 ½ ounces fresh lime juice
  • ½ ounce agave syrup
  • Celery salt, for garnish


  1. Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously.
  2. Serve in a Nick and Nora glass rimmed with celery salt.


The Botanist’s Delight

New York City is back, and Salon de Ning, The Peninsula New York’s iconic rooftop bar, is currently featuring an exclusive, off-the-menu cocktail made with fresh basil from the hotel garden.


  • 3 cucumber slices
  • 1 sprig fresh basil
  • 2 ounces tequila
  • ¼ tablespoon simple syrup
  • ¼ fresh lime


  1. Muddle cucumber and basil in a cocktail shaker.
  2. Add tequila, simple syrup, and lime.
  3. Shake and pour in a rocks glass on ice.
  4. Garnish with an extra sprig of basil.


Eddie’s AP

The new Picobar at Solage, Auberge Resorts Collection, is a fusion of Executive Chef Gustavo Rios’s two homes: coastal Ensenada, Mexico, and Northern California. This beverage marries the sweet and spice of both destinations, creating a one-of-a-kind libation.


  • 2 ounces La Luna Cupreata Mezcal
  • 1 ounce lime juice
  • ¾ ounce al pastor syrup (see recipe below)
  • ½ ounce pineapple juice
  • Dehydrated candied pineapple and Tajín, for garnish

  1. Combine ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake.
  2. Pour into rocks glass with ice with a Tajín rim, and top with a slice of dehydrated candied pineapple.

Al Pastor Syrup


  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ cup vodka
  • ¼ cup cumin
  • ¼ cup smoked paprika
  • ¼ cup peppercorns
  • 3 dried chiles


  1. Combine water and sugar in a saucepan; cook over low heat until sugar dissolves.
  2. Remove from heat and add vodka, cumin, smoked paprika, peppercorns, and chiles.
  3. Pour into a container and chill until cool (at least 1 hour).


André Darlington’s Paloma

“This fruit-forward and crushable long drink is Mexico City’s signature cocktail,” says Darlington in Booze Cruise. “A well-made paloma sings with sourness, sweetness, and a touch of bitterness from grapefruit. And it is a taco’s best friend. It is often made with grapefruit soda, but it’s better with fresh juice. If you like bitter flavor, try an added splash of Aperol or Campari—an addition that helps stimulate the appetite.”


  • Kosher salt, to rim the glass (optional; sea salt also works)
  • 2 ounces tequila
  • 3 ounces fresh grapefruit juice
  • ½ ounce fresh lime juice
  • 2 teaspoons simple syrup
  • 2–3 ounces club soda
  • Lime wheel, for garnish


  1. Salt the rim of a chilled rocks glass, and fill the glass with ice.
  2. Shake tequila, grapefruit juice, lime juice, and simple syrup with ice and strain into prepared glass.
  3. Top with soda and garnish with a lime wheel.

Excerpted from Booze Cruise: A Tour of the World’s Essential Mixed Drinks by André Darlington. Copyright © 2021. Available from Running Press, an imprint of Hachette Book Group, Inc.


Hibiscus Smash

While we love a traditional basil smash, this tequila-and-hibiscus version makes a worthwhile twist for summer days by the pool. Cilantro and hibiscus are excellent complements to the reposado tequila used here. Don’t forget to double-strain the cocktail for extra smoothness.


  • 1-ounce hibiscus tea
  • Ice
  • 2 ounces Santo Reposado tequila
  • ½ ounce agave syrup
  • ¾ ounce lime juice
  • ¼ cup fresh cilantro leaves with tender stems
  • Hibiscus leaves, lime wheel, and edible flowers, for garnish


  1. Brew hibiscus tea and let cool.
  2. In a cocktail shaker with ice, add tequila, hibiscus tea, agave, lime juice, and fresh cilantro.
  3. Shake for 30 seconds.
  4. Double strain into a cocktail glass filled with ice and garnish.


Tequila Sunrise

“A staple of the 1970s, but likely created much earlier, the Tequila Sunrise was popularized by Mick Jagger after he was served one at the kickoff party for the Rolling Stones’ U.S. tour,” says Adrienne Stillman in Spirited: Cocktails from Around the World. “The grenadine at the bottom makes the drink look like a sunrise.” This classic tequila cocktail is thought to have been created in Sausalito, California, sometime between the 1920s and the 1940s and has been a bar-menu staple ever since.


  • ½ ounce grenadine
  • 2 ounces tequila
  • 3 ounces fresh orange juice
  • Orange half-wheel, for garnish


  1. Add the grenadine to a collins or highball glass.
  2. Add ice, tequila, and orange juice.
  3. Stir gently to combine.
  4. Garnish with an orange half-wheel.


Solento Eastside

This refreshing tequila drink reminds us of sunny spa days at our favorite weekend retreat and is an excellent option for serving at your next outdoor garden party.


  • 4 mint leaves
  • 4 cucumber slices
  • ½ ounce agave syrup
  • 2 ounces Solento Blanco tequila
  • ¾ ounce lime juice
  • Ice


  1. Gently muddle mint leaves, cucumber slices, and agave syrup in a cocktail shaker.
  2. Add tequila, lime juice, and ice, then shake and strain into a martini glass.
  3. Garnish with extra mint leaves and cucumber slices.


André Darlington’s Margarita al Pastor

“If you do drink a margarita in Mexico City, let it be this one. Created by bartender José Luis León at Limantour, his version uses chile pepper, cilantro, and pineapple to mimic the classic flavors of tacos al pastor,” says Darlington in Booze Cruise.


  • 4 cilantro leaves
  • 2 slices serrano pepper
  • 2 basil leaves
  • 1 pineapple wedge
  • 2 ounces blanco tequila
  • 1 ounce fresh lime juice
  • 1 ounce fresh pineapple juice
  • ¾ ounce Cointreau
  • Cilantro salt (see recipe below)


  1. Muddle cilantro, serrano, basil, and pineapple in a shaker.
  2. Add remaining ingredients, except for cilantro salt, and ice.
  3. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass rimmed with cilan­tro salt.

Cilantro Salt


  • 1 cup chopped cilantro leaves
  • 3 tablespoons kosher salt


  1. Combine cilantro leaves and salt in a food processor.
  2. Pulse until mixed and store refrigerated in a sealed container.


Las Ventanas al Paraíso’s La Chata

Those looking for an innovative take on a horchata cocktail will adore this stunning option available at Las Ventanas al Paraíso. The addition of St-Germain adds floral undertones to the creamy coconut and smoky cinnamon.


  • 90 milliliters coconut horchata
  • 30 milliliters St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur
  • 30 milliliters Runneght Essential Dry
  • 10 milliliters Tequila Cosmico Añejo Cristalino
  • Smoked with cinnamon


  1. Add ice to an old-fashioned glass to chill it.
  2. Add all the ingredients to a shaker.
  3. Add ice and proceed to shake.
  4. Serve in the previously chilled glass.
  5. Smoke the cocktail with a smoking gun while covered.
  6. If no smoking gun is at hand, place some cinnamon bits into a small ramekin and burn them up.
  7. Cover the cocktail with a glass or container to get the scents infused with the drink.


Ink Watermelon Margarita from Grand Solmar Land’s End Resort & Spa

This refreshing take on a classic margarita was part of the 2021 Margarita Festival hosted at Grand Solmar Land’s End Resort & Spa in Cabo San Lucas. Luckily, they showed us how to make it at home.


  • 2 ounces aged tequila (tequila añejo)
  • 1 ½ ounces triple sec
  • 1 ounce pomegranate liqueur
  • 1 ounce watermelon puree
  • 1 ounce lemon juice
  • ½ ounce simple syrup
  • Basil leaves, for garnish


  1. Pour tequila, triple sec, pomegranate liqueur, and mashed watermelon into cocktail shaker and shake vigorously.
  2. Add lemon juice and simple syrup and shake again.
  3. Salt the rim of an old-fashioned glass and add ice.
  4. Pour in ingredients from cocktail shaker, and garnish with a basil leaf.


The Pilcrow

This botanical beverage is an editor favorite and can be found at Pilcrow Cocktail Cellar in Birmingham, Alabama. We love the use of orange over lime or grapefruit for a fabulous tequila cocktail. Pilcrow’s Joe Phelps advises serving this drink in a Nick and Nora glass and says for a drink this vibrant and bright, no garnish is needed.


  • 1 ½ ounces blanco tequila
  • 1 ounce sour orange juice (freshly squeezed orange juice adjusted by adding 32g citric and 20g malic acid or freshly squeezed lime juice, to taste)
  • ½ ounce Amaro Montenegro
  • ¼ ounce honey syrup (2-to-1 honey to water)
  • 2 drops bergamot oil


  1. Combine all ingredients over ice in a cocktail shaker.
  2. Shake and pour into a glass.



“You can’t have a conversation about modern tequila cocktails without talking about the Siesta, a spicy, bitter spin on a Hemingway Daiquiri from the young days of the modern cocktail revival,” says Simonson in Mezcal and Tequila Cocktails: Mixed Drinks for the Golden Age of Agave. “Katie Stipe, one of the early figures in the cocktail renaissance in New York, invented it at the Flatiron Lounge, an influential and formative cocktail bar in Manhattan that operated from 2003 to 2018.” Simonson says this is one of his all-time favorite tequila cocktails.


  • 1 ½ ounces blanco tequila
  • ¾ ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
  • ¾ ounce simple syrup
  • ½ ounce freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
  • ¼ ounce Campari
  • Lime wheel, for garnish


  1. Combine the ingredients in a cocktail shaker ¾ filled with ice.
  2. Shake until chilled, about 15 seconds.
  3. Strain into a chilled coupe.
  4. Garnish with the lime wheel.


Tamer Hamawi’s 20/20 Carrot Ginger Margarita

“The combination of sweet carrots, tart lime, and spicy ginger syrup makes for a delicious riff in this cocktail created by Tamer Hamawi of New York’s Gran Eléctrica,” says Stillman in Spirited. Plus this drink is absolutely beautiful!


  • Dehydrated lime zest
  • Sea salt
  • Lime wedge
  • 1 ½ ounces blanco tequila
  • ½ ounce triple sec
  • 1 ounce fresh lime juice
  • 1 ounce carrot juice
  • ½ ounce ginger syrup (simple syrup infused with fresh ginger)
  • Lime wheel, for garnish


  1. For the lime salt rim, combine 1 part dried lime zest to 4 parts sea salt in a shallow saucer. Rub the rim of a rocks glass with a lime wedge, and dip the glass into the salt mixture. Shake off any excess.
  2. Combine remaining ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice, and shake vigorously for 15–20 seconds or until frosted on the outside.
  3. Strain into the glass with fresh ice.
  4. Garnish with a lime wheel.


Solento Sunset

Perfect for golden hour and beyond, this simple cocktail is ideal for any occasion—and feels festive enough to serve in winter.


  • 2 ounces Solento Añejo
  • 2 ounces blood orange juice
  • Ice
  • Sparkling mineral water
  • Blood orange slices and Luxardo cherries, for garnish


  1. Combine tequila, blood orange juice, and ice in a cocktail shaker.
  2. Shake and serve into a coupe.
  3. Top with sparkling mineral water, and garnish with a blood orange slice and a Luxardo cherry.

The Most Regal Fashion at King Charles III’s Coronation

From matching sets to sparkly floral headpieces, here are the coronation looks we couldn’t get enough of.

If you caught King Charles’s coronation last weekend, then you already know he wasn’t the only one dressed to the nines. The event, which drew countless attendees—including other royals—from all over the world, had everyone stepping out in elaborate gowns, skirt suit sets, blazers, and more. From King Charles’s multiple crowns to Princess Kate and Princess Charlotte’s matching Alexander McQueen headpieces, there was certainly no shortage of style. Ahead, we have a look at some of our favourite fashion looks from the coronation.



Queen Consort Camilla

Queen Camilla’s white ensemble featured a coat dress and underskirt made by Bruce Oldfield and silk shoes designed by Elliot Zed. Her outfit wasn’t just beautiful—it also held plenty of symbolic meaning. For example, the floral gold embroidery on her outfit symbolized her and the king’s love of nature, and the flower emblems on the hem of her underskirt represented the U.K.’s four nations with a rose (England), thistle (Scotland), daffodil (Wales), and shamrock (Northern Ireland).


Prince William

Prince William wore an intricately designed formal robe, which represented his role as Colonel of the Welsh Guard.


Prince Harry

Prince Harry arrived at the coronation wearing a custom-designed wool and mohair Dior suit, complete with a double-breasted vest and tailcoat. The Duke of Sussex also wore his Afghanistan Campaign medal; medals for the Golden, Diamond, and Platinum Jubilees; and the Star of the Grand Cross Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.


Princess Kate

We can always count on Princess Kate for a stylish look. The Princess of Wales opted for a gorgeous ivory silk crêpe dress by Alexander McQueen, a formal robe, and a floral crown by Jess Collet and Alexander McQueen.


Princess Charlotte

Princess Charlotte wore a sparkling flower headpiece that coordinated with her mother, Princess Kate. The piece, which features crystal and silver bullion, was also designed by Jess Collet and Alexander McQueen.


Prince George

Prince George also looked regal, wearing a long red coat with gold detailing and a silky ivory shirt.


Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones

Princess Margaret’s granddaughter, Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones, wore a head-turning custom design by Beatrice Ferrant, a Paris-based fashion designer. To complete the blush pink look, she sported a headpiece by Stephen Jones and simple drop earrings.


Zara Tindall

Princess Anne’s daughter, Zara Tindall, decided on a sky blue dress custom designed by Laura Green for her coronation outfit. Her look also included a light blue clutch, a chiffon fascinator, and Princess Anne’s diamond ribbon and tassel brooch.


Lady Helen Taylor

Queen Elizabeth II’s second cousin, Lady Helen Taylor, wore black and white slingback Dior pumps with a matching skirt and cropped jacket.


Pippa Middleton

Kate Middleton’s sister, Pippa, attended the ceremony outfitted in a gorgeous coat dress by British designer Claire Mischevani. The eye-catching look had an oversized collar, single button front wrap closure, and an ankle-length skirt.


Katy Perry

Katy Perry, who performed at the coronation concert, wore a beautiful pale purple look with a matching hat. The ensemble, designed by Vivienne Westwood, included a matching skirt suit set, elbow-length gloves, an oversize pearl choker (also by the designer), a netted headpiece, and a demure white handbag.


Dame Emma Thompson

British actress Emma Thompson arrived at Westminster Abbey dressed in a vibrant floral print overcoat, a simple black midi dress, and chic black heels with crystal detailing on the front and heel.


Stylish Attendees

There was no shortage of fashionable attendees at King Charles’s coronation. Here, you can see famous leaders, including King Felipe VI and his wife, Queen Letizia, dressed to the nines while waiting to file into Westminster Abbey.


Sylvia Bongo Ondimba

The First Lady of Gabon, Sylvia Bongo Ondimba, arrived at the event wearing a sophisticated ivory skirt suit set adorned with silver and gold embroidery and large crystal buttons.


Marguerite Pindling

Marguerite Pindling, the former governor-general of the Bahamas, looked radiant dressed in an all-fuchsia outfit that included a quilted bag, bowed hat, pleated skirt, and neck scarf.


Queen Rania of Jordan

Queen Rania of Jordan attended the coronation wearing a pale yellow dress designed by Australian fashion designer Tamara Ralph. She accessorized with a white Bottega Veneta clutch and Jimmy Choo pumps.


Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden

Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden looked vibrant in a royal blue ensemble that included a belted long-sleeve dress, a simple pillbox hat, a diamond necklace, and a rectangular clutch.


Princess Anne

The King’s sister, Princess Anne, donned traditional military regalia for the occasion. Although she has never served in the Royal Navy or the British Armed Forces, she holds honorary military titles.


Lady Louise Windsor

Lady Louise Windsor wore a gorgeous floral print dress designed by Suzannah London, a British womenswear designer. She topped it off with a coordinating lilac fascinator.


Marie-Chantal, Crown Princess of Greece

Crown Princess of Greece Marie-Chantal is pictured here wearing a baby blue long-sleeved dress with a shoulder bow detail, matching blue suede heels, and a sculptural blue fascinator.


Jill and Finnegan Biden

U.S. First Lady Jill Biden took her granddaughter, Finnegan Biden, to the coronation festivities. Jill wore a cornflower blue skirt suit with matching gloves by Ralph Lauren, while Finnegan chose a butter yellow cape dress by Markarian and a Gigi Buress floral headband.


Sophie, Hereditary Princess of Liechtenstein

Sophie, hereditary princess of Liechtenstein, decided on a magenta mid-length dress with a matching overcoat and fascinator, and a nude pair of heels.


Queen Masenate Mohato Seeiso

Queen Masenate Mohato Seeiso and her husband also attended the coronation. Queen Masenate wore a floor-length brocade blue gown with buttoned sleeves and a sweeping neckline. She accessorized with a feathered fascinator, a matching white envelope clutch, and white diamond and blue gemstone jewelry.


Queen Maxima of the Netherlands

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands dressed in all white. Her outfit, designed by Jan Taminiau, included a below-the-knee dress with long sleeves, a sheer embroidered neckline, and rope detailing on the waist. To round out her outfit, she wore a pair of nude pumps and carried a cream clutch.


Samantha Cameron

Samantha Cameron, the wife of former British Prime Minister David Cameron, added a burst of color to an otherwise gray, rainy day by wearing a printed red and white dress, a bright red headpiece, and ivory slingback heels.


Her Majesty Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah of Malaysia

Her Majesty Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah of Malaysia wore a beautiful embroidered marigold yellow ensemble to the coronation ceremony with matching heels and a clutch. We especially loved her heels’ crystal detailing that added some extra sparkle to her look.

Zgjedhjet Vendore 2023 në Shqipëri: Zgjedhja mes karteleve të drogës dhe/ose Republikës Parlamentare?

 Republikën e Shqipërisë zgjedhjet e ardhshme vendore janë planifikuar të mbahen më 14 maj 2023. Zgjedhjet e fundit vendore, të mbajtura më 30 qershor 2019, u bojkotuan nga opozita, ndërsa pjesëmarrja në zgjedhje ishte vetëm 21.6%. Si rrjedhojë, të gjitha postet në pushtetin vendor u zunë nga kandidatët e Partisë Socialiste (PS) të kryesuar nga Edi Rama . Zgjedhjet e fundit vendore në Shqipëri u zhvilluan në një atmosferë tensionesh, pasi opozita shqiptare ishte tërhequr nga puna e Kuvendit dhe organizoi aktivitete politike në rrugët e Tiranës, ku kërkoi dorëheqjen e kryeministrit Rama, vendosjen e një organi të përkohshëm qeverisë dhe mbajtjes së zgjedhjeve të përgjithshme.

Në zgjedhjet lokale gjithsej 3.650.550 votues me të drejtë vote do të mund të votojnë në 5.211 vendvotime. Në zgjedhjet lokale do të marrin pjesë 48 parti politike me 23788 kandidatë. Nga numri i përgjithshëm, kryetare të komunave aspirojnë 144 kandidatë, mes të cilëve 15 gra. Zgjedhjet do të monitorohen nga 324 vëzhgues ndërkombëtarë të OSBE/ODIHR. Shqipëria ka 61 bashki dhe vendi ka nevojë për një reformë të thellë të vetëqeverisjes vendore. 

Shqipërisë iu dha statusi i kandidatit për në BE në shtator 2014. Vendi hapi negociatat e anëtarësimit me BE në fund të vitit 2022. Lista e çështjeve që Shqipëria duhet të trajtojë përfshin reformën në drejtësi, luftën kundër krimit (trafik droge dhe trafikim njerëzor) dhe korrupsion, Mungesa e medias së pavarur, depolitizimi i institucioneve, përmirësimi i efikasitetit, si dhe vendosja e një dialogu më dinamik mes qeverisë dhe opozitës me synimin për t’i bërë reformat më gjithëpërfshirëse dhe të shpejta. Presionet politike, frikësimi, korrupsioni dhe burimet e kufizuara e kanë penguar gjyqësorin të bëhet plotësisht funksional, i pavarur dhe efektiv. Korrupsioni është i gjithëpranishëm në të gjitha segmentet dhe në të gjitha nivelet e qeverisjes, duke përfshirë edhe fushat e prokurimit publik dhe partneriteteve publiko-privat. 

Një pyetje e pashmangshme për Edi Ramën është pse Shqipëria është ende vendi më i varfër në Evropë, megjithëse ka një potencial të jashtëzakonshëm zhvillimi? 

Si BE ashtu edhe NATO dështuan në zgjidhjen e krizës politike në Shqipëri. Megjithatë, kriza në Shqipëri ka ekspozuar rrjetin e korrupsionit të Edi Ramës, ku përfshihen disa (ish) zyrtarë të lartë të BE-së, SHBA-së dhe disa vendeve të tjera. 

Koalicioni “Së bashku Fitim” kundër Partisë Socialiste

Edhe pse këto janë zgjedhje vendore në të cilat nuk marrin pjesë liderët e partive kryesore politike, “ gara” kyçe parazgjedhore po zhvillohet mes drejtuesve të Partisë Socialiste dhe kryeministrit aktual Edi Rama nga njëra anë dhe “ Së bashku” . Koalicioni Ne Fitim ” ( Bashkë Fitojmë ), i drejtuar nga dy veteranë të politikës shqiptare dhe ish-presidentët shqiptarë Sali Berisha dhe Ilir Meta .

Edhe pse po bëhet një luftë për çdo pozicion dhe çdo votë, fushata zgjedhore drejtohet në qytete të mëdha si Tirana, Elbasani dhe Durrësi. Sipas sondazheve të opinionit publik niveli i mbështetjes publike të Partisë Socialiste dhe “ Bashkë Fitojmë ” është pak a shumë i barabartë. Koalicioni “Bashkë Fitojmë ” dominon në veri të Shqipërisë (Shkodër, Tropojë, Kukës, Lezhë dhe Has), por mbështetja e tij po rritet edhe në jug të vendit. 

Rezultatet e sondazheve parazgjedhore në Shqipëri nuk ofrojnë gjithmonë tregues të besueshëm të opinionit të elektoratit në lidhje me mënyrën se si do të votojë publiku në ditën e zgjedhjeve. Megjithatë, rezultatet e sondazheve përdoren si bazë për përcaktimin e strategjive zgjedhore, debateve dhe analizave. 

Zgjedhjet Lokale – Zgjedhja mes karteleve të drogës dhe/ose republikës parlamentare?

Kur Edi Rama nisi operacionin policor me qëllim shkatërrimin e fshatit Lazaret  , i cili ishte qendra e biznesit të drogës, pritej një përballje përfundimtare me biznesin e drogës. Më vonë doli se Edi Rama kishte vënë vetëm biznesin nën kontrollin e tij. Për më tepër, në vend që të ndiqte reformat, zhvillimin dhe demokratizimin e mëtejshëm të vendit, ai nisi procesin e “ kanabizimit të Shqipërisë”..” Një pjesë e konsiderueshme e tokës së punueshme është e mbjellë me kanabis, ndërsa biznesi i drogës kontrollohet nga strukturat politiko-kriminale. Gjatë mandatit të kryeministrit Edi Rama, Shqipëria u bë një strehë e sigurt për kriminelët nga Evropa, Azia, Amerika Veriore dhe Jugore. Një rrethanë lehtësuese për strukturat kriminale është regjimi pa viza që Shqipëria ka me vendet anëtare të BE-së, i cili u lejon kriminelëve lëvizje të lirë dhe veprimtari biznesi, si dhe fitime të mëdha nga trafiku i drogës dhe qenieve njerëzore. Edi Rama dhe “ prejardhja” e tij ia kanë mbyllur Shqipërisë dyert e anëtarësimit në BE, pasi ndërkohë që Rama është në krye të qeverisë shqiptare, vendi nuk do të kooptohet në BE. 

Raporti i Strategjisë Ndërkombëtare të Kontrollit të Narkotikëve  identifikon Shqipërinë si burimin e kanabisit dhe bazën e grupeve të organizuara kriminale që tregtojnë ilegalisht drogën nga vendi i origjinës në tregjet evropiane. Kanabisi shqiptar shpërndahet në Turqi dhe këmbehet me heroinë dhe kokainë, të cilat shtetasit shqiptarë i kontrabandojnë nëpër Evropë. Autoritetet shqiptare kanë regjistruar një rritje të kokainës së konfiskuar në vitin 2021 përmes portit të Durrësit, kryesisht në dërgesat e bananeve nga Ekuadori. Policia shqiptare mori pjesë në disa operacione ndërshtetërore të zbatimit të ligjit në vitin 2021. Në operacione, shtetas shqiptarë, ndër të tjera, u arrestuan në Greqi, Itali, Spanjë dhe Holandë. Autoritetet shqiptare të zbatimit të ligjit bashkëpunuan me homologët e tyre amerikanë për arrestimin dhe konfiskimin e një ngarkese me lëndë narkotike dhe një laboratori të përpunimit të drogës në Shqipëri, si dhe sekuestrimin e pronave në Shqipëri që lidhen me trafikun ndërkombëtar të drogës. Pas arrestimit të tij më 31 mars 2021 në SHBA, gjykatat shqiptare konfiskuan Ylli Didanin.Pasuria e 1.2 milionë dollarëve në prill 2021. U krijua Struktura e Posaçme Kundër Korrupsionit (SPAK). Në vitin 2021 u arritën disa suksese, duke përfshirë arrestimin e 38 personave, përfshirë një prokuror dhe disa zyrtarë të lartë të policisë, në kuadër të një hetimi të madh ndërkombëtar për trafikun e drogës dhe njerëzve. Shtetasit shqiptarë luajnë një rol të rëndësishëm në rrjetin kriminal ndërkombëtar dhe të organizuar të trafikut të drogës. Për më tepër, Shqipëria është një element kyç i rrugës ballkanike për trafikun e drogës drejt Evropës Perëndimore dhe Britanisë së Madhe. Grupet e organizuara kriminale shqiptare janë të pranishme në SHBA, Britaninë e Madhe dhe në të gjithë Evropën, si dhe në Amerikën e Jugut, përfshirë Ekuadorin, Kolumbinë dhe Perunë. Ata kanë krijuar një zinxhir të integruar të prokurimit, transportit, shpërndarjes dhe shitjes në Evropë, Britania e Madhe dhe SHBA. Grupet e organizuara kriminale shqiptare vazhdojnë të kryejnë pastrim parash në Shqipëri, duke kontribuar kështu në korrupsionin në vend. 

Në Shqipëri krimi i dhunshëm shoqërohet shpesh me krimin e organizuar, por edhe me gjyqtarë, prokurorë, polici dhe media, të cilët shpesh janë subjekt i frikësimit. Sundimi relativisht i dobët i ligjit, korrupsioni dhe niveli i lartë i papunësisë janë problemet kryesore shqiptare në lidhje me kontrollin e trafikut të drogës. Reformat në drejtësinë penale në Shqipëri duhet të përfshijnë largimin e gjyqtarëve dhe prokurorëve të lidhur me krimin e organizuar dhe/ose me pasuri të pajustifikueshme. SHBA mbështet reformat në drejtësi në Shqipëri nëpërmjet mbështetjes këshillimore dhe zhvillimit të kapaciteteve për prokurorët dhe hetuesit e SPAK-ut, zgjerimin e bashkëpunimit ndërinstitucional në hetime, korrigjimet e reformave që synojnë kufizimin e operacioneve të krimit të organizuar transnacional. Për më tepër, SHBA kanë ofruar gjithashtu pajisje të specializuara për përmirësimin e aftësive operacionale përkatëse. Shqipëria duhet të vazhdojë me reformën në drejtësi, të forcojë rregulloret dhe mbikëqyrjen kundër pastrimit të parave dhe të punojë për eliminimin e ndikimit të krimit të organizuar në qeverinë dhe shoqërinë shqiptare.

Struktura e posaçme për luftën kundër korrupsionit dhe krimit të organizuar (SPAK), e cila përfshin Prokurorinë e Posaçme (PSPO) dhe Byronë Kombëtare të Hetimit (BKB), është e paaftë. Përderisa është arritur progres në lidhje me konfiskimin e pasurisë së lidhur me krimin e organizuar, ai duhet të intensifikohet më tej në të ardhmen. Për më tepër, është gjithashtu e nevojshme të vazhdohen përpjekjet që synojnë të arrihet ndjekja penale në rritje dhe zbatimi më i mirë i vendimeve përfundimtare dhe detyruese, veçanërisht në nivel të lartë. Lufta kundër kibernetikëskrimi, trafikimi i qenieve njerëzore dhe pastrimi i parave mbeten fusha në të cilat kërkohen rezultate shtesë. Një tregues i situatës në Shqipëri është edhe rritja e numrit të shtetasve shqiptarë që kanë paraqitur kërkesa për azil në vendet anëtare të BE-së. Miratimi i amnistisë tatimore dhe penale është në kundërshtim me qëndrimin e Këshillit të BE-së dhe Moneyval  dhe mund të dëmtojë progresin në këtë fushë, si dhe në luftën kundër pastrimit të parave. 

»Shqipëria mbetet e pambrojtur ndaj pastrimit të parave për shkak të korrupsionit, pranisë së rrjeteve të krimit të organizuar dhe boshllëqeve në legjislacion dhe mbikëqyrje. Shqipëria ka një ekonomi të madhe cash dhe një sektor informal, me të ardhura të konsiderueshme të parave nga jashtë dhe investime nga jashtë. Trafikimi i narkotikëve dhe aktivitetet e tjera të krimit të organizuar janë burimet kryesore të fondeve të pastruara. Organizatat kriminale shqiptare kanë lidhje me rrjete që veprojnë gjerësisht në Evropë dhe në Amerikën e Jugut.»

Skandalet e shpeshta me dimensione ndërkombëtare ekspozojnë lidhjet mes regjimit të Ramës dhe faktorëve ndërkombëtarë dhe korrupsionin e zyrtarëve të huaj (rasti i ish-zyrtarit të FBI-së, Charles McGonigal ). Krijimi dhe fuqizimi i disa agjencive qeveritare të lidhura me Kryeministrin Rama (Agjencia për Bashkëqeverisjen, Agjencia e Medias dhe Informacionit, Agjencia për Programimin Strategjik dhe Koordinimin e Ndihmës – SASPAC) pa një kuadër gjithëpërfshirës menaxhimi dhe pa mbikëqyrje sistematike të linjave të mbikëqyrjes dhe raportimit ngrenë pyetje në lidhje me koordinimin efektiv dhe ofrimin e shërbimeve nga organet e administratës publike. 

Analistët besojnë se zgjedhjet e ardhshme në Shqipëri e tejkalojnë karakterin dhe rëndësinë e zgjedhjeve vendore, sepse janë një mundësi për të nisur përballjen përfundimtare me regjimin e Edi Ramës dhe dekriminalizimin e Shqipërisë. Aleanca mes Sali Berishës dhe Ilir Metës përmes Bashkë Fitojmëkoalicioni bashkon forcat politike opozitare dhe përfaqëson një lëvizje masive të qytetarëve të pakënaqur të Shqipërisë, të gatshëm për t’u përfshirë në një luftë për përballjen përfundimtare me kartelet e drogës, krimin dhe korrupsionin. Zgjedhjet vendore janë një lloj mundësie për qytetarët e Shqipërisë që të zgjedhin nëse dëshirojnë të kenë një kartel droge që të sundojë vendin dhe/ose një republikë parlamentare – qytetarët e së cilës janë grabitur dhe privuar kryesisht gjatë 10 viteve të fundit. Zgjedhjet duhet të jenë transparente, të lira dhe të ndershme, pa blerje votuesish dhe votuesesh me “ para të zeza” .”, këto janë para të pista nga bizneset e drogës dhe trafikimi i qenieve njerëzore. Domethënë, të ardhurat nga bizneset e drogës tejkalojnë buxhetin kombëtar shqiptar. Koncepti politik i mbajtjes së Edi Ramës në pushtet bazohet në blerjen e votave dhe frikësimin dhe Rama ka në dispozicion shuma të pakufizuara parash me origjinë të dyshimtë dhe një aparat represiv për qëllime të tilla. 

Rama kundër shoqërisë së fortë civile (OJQ)

Zbatimi i ligjit të ri për regjistrimin e organizatave jofitimprurëse i miratuar në qershor 2021 ende nuk ka filluar. Këshilli i Lartë Gjyqësor ka marrë fonde buxhetore për prokurimin e një regjistri elektronik të organizatave jofitimprurëse dhe kontrata për zbatimin e tij është nënshkruar në maj të vitit 2022. Nuk ka pasur progres në zbatimin e udhërrëfyesit për krijimin e një mjedisi favorizues për shoqërinë civile. veçanërisht në kuadrin e ligjit për vullnetarët. 

Bashkëpunimi institucional ndërmjet shoqërisë civile dhe qeverisë duhet ende të forcohet për të siguruar pjesëmarrje të qëllimshme të organizatave të shoqërisë civile (OSHC) në proceset vendimmarrëse, si dhe në negociatat për anëtarësim në BE. Fuqizimi i shoqërisë civile është një komponent kyç i çdo shoqërie demokratike, e cila është në deficit në Shqipëri dhe që Edi Rama dukshëm i frikësohet.

Qeveria e nevojshme tranzitore për përgatitjen e zgjedhjeve të parakohshme

Shqipëria ndodhet në një situatë të një lufte civile të heshtur, një shoqëri jashtëzakonisht të polarizuar dhe të përçarë, si dhe në një numër të shtuar të atentateve, gjë që nuk është befasi. Pse Shqipëria është një shoqëri e ndarë? Për t’u përfshirë në një biznes droge, trafik njerëzor, krim dhe korrupsion, duhet një shoqëri e ndarë, e cila do të largojë vëmendjen e publikut nga operacionet e biznesit të drogës. 

Me rënien e  regjimit komunist të Enver Hoxhës në vitin 1991, forcat retrograde u mundën. Megjithatë, pas ardhjes në pushtet të Edi Ramës dhe Partisë së tij Socialiste (PS), rrënjët e të cilave shkojnë në ish-partinë komuniste të Shqipërisë, në pushtet këto forca u rivitalizuan. I udhëhequr nga dëshira e tij për të qëndruar në pushtet, Rama do të përpiqet ta transferojë krizën nga Shqipëria në rajon, por edhe në hapësirën më të gjerë evropiane. Shqipëria ka nevojë për një cikël të ri demokratizimi dhe dekriminalizimi të shtetit. 

Proceset në rajon, të cilat fillimisht filluan në Maqedoninë e Veriut, gradualisht po eliminojnë ithtarët e destabilizimit, krimit dhe korrupsionit, si  Nikolla Gruevski (VMRO-DPMNE),  Hashim Thaçi (PDK),  Bojko Borisov (GERB) dhe më pas. rënia e  Milo Gjukanoviqit (DPS), në radhë të radhës janë  Milorad Dodik (SNSD) dhe Edi Rama (PS). Jo pa arsye Edi Rama e kishte përkrahur hapur Milo Gjukanoviqin në zgjedhjet e fundit në Mal të Zi, sepse duke e mbështetur Gjukanoviqin ai po mbështette veten, si dhe konceptin dhe metodën e tij të ngjashme të qeverisjes. 

Duke gjykuar nga të gjitha, zgjedhjet lokale do të shkaktojnë krijimin e një qeverie të përkohshme që do të organizojë zgjedhje të parakohshme parlamentare dhe një tranzicion të qetë të qeverisë. “ Suksesi ” më i madh i Edi Ramës është se gjatë mandatit të tij ai kishte forcuar pozitën e Shqipërisë si vendi më i varfër në Evropë. 

Ky raport vjen nga Instituti Ndërkombëtar për Studimet e Lindjes së Mesme dhe Ballkanit ( IFIMES )  nga Lubjana, Slloveni, analizon rregullisht zhvillimet në Lindjen e Mesme, Ballkan dhe në mbarë botën. IFIMES bëri një analizë të situatës aktuale politike në Republikën e Shqipërisë në kuadër të zgjedhjeve vendore, të planifikuara të mbahen më 14 maj 2023. Ne sjellim pjesët më të rëndësishme dhe më interesante të analizës së gjerë “Zgjedhjet Vendore 2023 në Shqipëri .

India will surpass China as world’s most populous country by mid-year, UN says

India is set to surpass China as the world’s most populous nation, with almost 3 million more people by the middle of this year, data released by the United Nations on Wednesday showed.

Based on the projections, India’s population by mid-year will reach 1.4286 billion, compared to China’s 1.4257 billion – 2.9 million fewer – according to the United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) “State of World Population Report” for 2023.

UN officials have said it is not possible to determine the exact date for the shift, due to “uncertainty” about the data coming from China and India. India’s last census was in 2011 and the most recent, scheduled in 2021, was delayed during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The United States is a very distant third, with an estimated population of 340 million, the data, which reflects information available as of February, showed.

By 2050, eight countries will account for half the projected growth in global population: The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Tanzania, according to the UNFPA report.

China has held the distinction of the most populous country since at least 1950 when the UN population records began.

China and India together will account for more than a third of the estimated global population, which is expected to hit 8.045 billion by mid-year, the UN report said. But, contrary to public perception, population growth has been slowing in both countries – particularly in China, which recorded a population decline for the first time in six decades last year.

China’s population fell in 2022 to 1.411 billion, down some 850,000 people from the previous year, according to China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The birth rate also fell to a record low of 6.77 births per 1,000 people, down from 7.52 a year earlier and the lowest level since the founding of Communist China in 1949.

India overtaking China will have significant economic implications for both Asian giants. Along with the flagging population data, China also reported one of its worst economic growth numbers in nearly half a century last year, underscoring the steep challenges the country faces as its labor force shrinks and the ranks of the retired swell.

India’s working-age population stands at more than 900 million, according to 2021 data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. This number is expected to hit more than 1 billion over the next decade, according to the Indian government.

But these numbers could become a liability if policymakers do not create enough jobs, experts warned. Already, data show a growing number of Indians are not even looking for work, given the lack of opportunities and low wages.

India’s labor force participation rate, an estimation of the active workforce and people looking for work, stood at 46%, which is among the lowest in Asia, according to 2021 data from the World Bank. By comparison, the rates for China and the United States stood at 68% and 61% respectively in the same year.

“India is sitting on a time bomb,” Chandrasekhar Sripada, professor of organizational behavior at the Indian School of Business, told CNN earlier this year. “There will be social unrest if it cannot create enough employment in a relatively short period of time.”

Individual rights at risk?

In its report, UNFPA said that while reaching the milestone of 8 billion people on the planet was a reminder that more people are living longer, healthier lives, concerns over the number had increased anxiety among governments and led more to adopt policies aimed at influencing fertility rates. In particular, it pointed to governments trying to influence fertility rates through family planning targets and policies, which can fuel gender-based forms of discrimination.

In India, when some states proposed a two-child policy in 2021, including financial incentives for sterilization and penalties, such as lost benefits, commentators pointed to the harmful impacts of similar policies. “Sex-selective abortion, preference for male children, denying the paternity of female children, prenatal sex determination, and violence against women for giving birth to girl children will be on the rise,” one commentator is quoted in the report as saying.

The national government made clear in several forums that it opposed coercion in family planning, including in parliament, where it said it did not support such policies, the report added.

Some of those harmful effects were seen in China as a result of its one-child policy, which the country ended in 2015 after 35 years, allowing families to have two children.

“The relationship between reproductive autonomy and healthier lives is an uncontested truth: As women are empowered to make choices about their bodies and lives, they and their families thrive — and their societies thrive as well,” UNFPA’s executive director, Natalia Kanem, said in her foreword to the report.

But, she added, that was not the message most heard at the news of the 8 billion milestones last year.

“Instead, many headlines warned of a world teetering into overpopulation, or that whole countries and regions were ageing into obsolescence. Somehow, when the human numbers are tallied and population milestones passed, the rights and potential of individuals fade too easily into the background.”

Giappone: bambini LGBT vittime di bullismo non protetti

Politiche nazionali e curricula Orientamento sessuale e identità di genere abbandonati

Il governo giapponese non è riuscito a proteggere i bambini lesbiche, gay, bisessuali e transgender (LGBT) dal bullismo nelle scuole, ha affermato Human Rights Watch in un rapporto pubblicato oggi. Con l’aumentare del dibattito pubblico sulla garanzia della parità di diritti per le persone LGBT, le misure antibullismo del paese saranno riviste nel 2016.

Il rapporto di 84 pagine , The Nail That Sticks Out Gets Hammered Down: Bullying and Exclusion of LGBT Students in Japanese Schools, espone i bambini e gli studenti LGBT al bullismo e ostacola l’accesso alle informazioni e l’espressione di sé. politica, che è una delle cause. Il bullismo grave si verifica frequentemente nelle scuole giapponesi. Tuttavia, la politica di prevenzione del bullismo di base del governo non specifica i bambini e gli studenti LGBT, che sono tra i gruppi più vulnerabili al bullismo. I bambini LGBT hanno riferito a Human Rights Watch che gli insegnanti li avevano avvertiti che essere aperti sull’essere gay o transgender a scuola era egoistico e li avrebbe resi infruttuosi a scuola.

“Sebbene il governo si sia mosso per sostenere i bambini e gli studenti LGBT negli ultimi anni, la politica di prevenzione del bullismo del governo rimane silenziosa sull’orientamento sessuale e sull’identità di genere”, ha affermato Kanae Doi , rappresentante di Human Rights.Watch Japan . “I paesi dovrebbero seguire gli standard e le migliori pratiche internazionali e rivedere immediatamente le loro politiche antibullismo per proteggere i bambini LGBT”.

Human Rights Watch ha intervistato dozzine di bambini, studenti e giovani LGBT che si sono recentemente diplomati in 14 prefetture. I partecipanti alle interviste sono stati incontrati tramite segnalazioni di consulenti e sostenitori o tramite sondaggi diffusi su Facebook e Twitter. Human Rights Watch ha anche intervistato ricercatori di scienze sociali, psichiatri, avvocati, funzionari governativi ed esperti di politiche educative. In questo rapporto, le esperienze di quattro di loro sono state riprese come vignette . Ciò si basa sul fatto che i manga sono spesso una fonte familiare di informazioni per i giovani giapponesi per trovare modelli di ruolo LGBT.

Negli ultimi anni, il Ministero dell’Istruzione, della Cultura, dello Sport, della Scienza e della Tecnologia (MEXT) ha emesso avvisi riguardanti bambini e studenti LGBT e sta inviando un messaggio importante che le scuole dovrebbero prendere in considerazione i bambini appartenenti a minoranze sessuali e di genere. Tuttavia, la politica antibullismo di base del governo non fa menzione della posizione unica e vulnerabile dei bambini e degli studenti LGBT. Questa disparità è aggravata dalla mancanza di politiche vincolanti sull’inclusione delle persone LGBT nel processo educativo e dall’inadeguata formazione degli insegnanti su genere e sessualità. Le attuali leggi che richiedono alle persone transgender di diagnosticare un “disturbo dell’identità di genere” come requisito per il cambiamento di genere (riconoscimento legale del genere) possono avere gravi conseguenze psicologiche per i giovani.

Il bullismo è un grosso problema sociale in Giappone. I bambini spesso prendono di mira “qualcuno che è un po’ diverso” e molestano, minacciano e talvolta usano la violenza. Tale bullismo può anche essere basato sull’orientamento sessuale o sull’identità di genere di un bambino, che può essere il suo effettivo orientamento sessuale, identità di genere o percepito da altri, secondo Human Rights. Ma nonostante decenni di copertura mediatica e dibattito, soprattutto nei casi in cui il bullismo ha ucciso le sue vittime, lo stato non ha affrontato le sue cause profonde, compresa la vulnerabilità dei bambini LGBT. Il governo, d’altra parte, promuove un senso di norme, disciplina e armonia nelle scuole, e le autorità sottolineano la loro posizione secondo cui nessun bambino in particolare è vulnerabile al bullismo. In un incontro con Human Rights Watch, un funzionario del Ministero dell’Istruzione, della Cultura, dello Sport, della Scienza e della Tecnologia ha ribadito che adotta un approccio “olistico” al bullismo, affermando che affronterà i bisogni dei gruppi vulnerabili come le persone LGBT. che porterebbe a un trattamento speciale per tali bambini.

Tuttavia, è chiaro che la ” politica di base del governo per la prevenzione del bullismo ” annunciata dal Ministero dell’Istruzione, della Cultura, dello Sport, della Scienza e della Tecnologia nell’ottobre 2013 è insufficiente. La “politica” enfatizza l’educazione morale sulla consapevolezza normativa e sull’autocoscienza degli insegnanti, piuttosto che sui diritti dei bambini o sulla formazione obbligatoria degli insegnanti. Non si fa menzione di bambini/studenti LGBT.

La ricerca di Human Rights Watch mostra che quando i bambini LGBT raccontano ai loro insegnanti del loro bullismo, c’è una notevole variabilità nel modo in cui gli insegnanti rispondono. Non esiste una formazione completa obbligatoria degli insegnanti su genere e sessualità, quindi quando i bambini e gli studenti LGBT sono vittime di bullismo, la risposta di ogni insegnante dipende interamente dalle opinioni del singolo insegnante su LGBT. Ad alcuni bambini è stato detto che se non volevano essere vittime di bullismo in futuro, avrebbero dovuto conformarsi un po’ di più alle norme di genere della società. Alcuni hanno affermato di non poter denunciare il bullismo omosessuale perché gli stessi insegnanti stavano scherzando e imprecando contro le persone LGBT.

Kiyoko N., una studentessa lesbica in una scuola di Tokyo, ha detto che i suoi compagni di scuola media la prendevano in giro perché non era una ragazza e poi la circondavano e la picchiavano con carta arrotolata. Gli insegnanti della scuola materna hanno assistito ripetutamente alla scena del bullismo, ma non hanno fatto nulla. “Era risaputo che ero vittima di bullismo. Era risaputo anche che gli insegnanti non mi avrebbero aiutato”.

Tadashi I., uno studente delle superiori di Nagoya, ha dichiarato a Human Rights Watch: “Forse se avessi detto al mio insegnante che ero vittima di bullismo, avrebbero cercato di aiutarmi. Sarebbe potuta andare anche peggio”.

Ai K, un ex insegnante che lavora come consulente per i giovani LGBT a Fukuoka, sottolinea. “Anche se un insegnante vuole aiutare, la scuola e il consiglio dell’istruzione non hanno un sistema in atto per sostenerlo. Trasformati in.”

Anche andare a scuola può essere una sfida per i bambini transgender. Secondo la legge giapponese (Gender Identity Disorder Special Cases Act), per cambiare genere in base alla propria identità di genere (riconoscimento legale del genere), una persona deve essere diagnosticata come affetta da una malattia mentale e sottoporsi a una serie di procedure tra cui la sterilizzazione. è obbligatorio. Questa è una violazione dei diritti umani e un sistema obsoleto. Negli ultimi anni, il governo ha affermato che va bene prendere in considerazione bambini e studenti transgender senza una diagnosi, ma Human Rights Watch ha riscontrato risultati contrastanti. Alcuni bambini e studenti transgender sono costretti a indossare uniformi che non corrispondono alla loro identità di genere, gli viene negato l’accesso a servizi igienici appropriati basati sul genere e sono costretti a partecipare ad attività di segregazione di genere che li fanno sentire a disagio.

Nell’aprile di quest’anno, il Ministero dell’Istruzione, della Cultura, dello Sport, della Scienza e della Tecnologia ha rilasciato materiali per diffondere informazioni su “Attuazione di misure perfezionate per gli studenti in materia di disturbo dell’identità di genere, orientamento sessuale e identità di genere (per gli insegnanti)”. Il documento afferma che le scuole devono essere luoghi sicuri per tutti gli studenti ed è una mossa incoraggiante, ha affermato Human Rights Watch. Tuttavia, questo documento non è vincolante e dovrebbe essere rafforzato, in particolare affermando che i bambini e gli studenti transgender non necessitano di una diagnosi medica per ricevere un’istruzione basata sulla loro identità di genere.

Il crescente dibattito nazionale sulle questioni LGBT è un lato positivo, ha affermato Human Rights Watch. Il governo dovrebbe sfruttare questa opportunità per garantire che le esigenze dei giovani LGBT siano pienamente integrate nel processo decisionale e che tutti i bambini e gli studenti giapponesi abbiano accesso all’istruzione su un piano di parità.

“La sicurezza e lo sviluppo sano dei bambini non dovrebbero essere determinati dalla fortuna o dalla sfortuna, come incontrare un adulto comprensivo”, afferma Doi. “Gli Stati hanno la responsabilità di garantire che gli insegnanti siano adeguatamente formati per affrontare il bullismo basato sull’orientamento sessuale e l’identità di genere e per proteggere gli studenti LGBT da molestie e discriminazioni”.